You never know what you will come home to in my house! My boys are NUTS! Look where I found Thomas this afternoon when I came home from work....
Enough said....
My kids are supervised. My baby sitter made the assumption that Thomas would sit in the chair (not seen in photo).... Too funny!
8 Shout Outs:
Yea, I cleaned my whole house and when I came home the livingroom and kitchen looked like a tornado struck it. Mommy wasn't a happy camper and Coltan was 15 minutes late to soccer. I wasn't leaving till my house looked the same as this morning when I left.
Anyways, cute pic. Mine haven't resorted to laying on the counter tops yet.
thomas is really something no telling what you will find tomorrow lol
I got the "i Love someone with Ds from Amy at a redeemed sheep. She is sharing it!
so cute!!!please visit my wordless wednesday.. its up already.. i will not be able to log in tomorrow (Oct 1, 2008)thats why i'm visitng all you guys today..
My entries are here. and here
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
that is too funny. guess he figured it was his only quiet spot.
Yes, my friends do call/e-mail asking medical questions about their kids all the time but for everything I know, there is twice as much I do not know.
How can that be comfortable? Kids...aren't they amazing!
LOL boys! They never cease to amaze us! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really do feel better!
LOL, That is funny! You have a cute blog. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am so glad to meet you. AND lucky you to live in N.C., a place near and dear to my heart. If you live close enough to visit the OBX every weekend, then you live in a beautiful area. Our family lives closer inland, near Raleigh, but it is still pretty.
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